We are always looking for new adult volunteers at the ROC. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and attend church regularly we would love to have your help! You can volunteer by chaperoning at the ROC during our operating hours. It's a fun and rewarding experience as you get to participate in the transformation of young people's lives. You must be 21 years of age or older. All adult volunteers must undergo a criminal background check and take a youth protection training class required by scouting. We also require that adults subscribe to our mission statement and have the recommendation of a pastor.
If you're interested please fill out our contact form.

There are many opportunities for youth to be involved at the ROC. Youth Ages 10-17 can attend the ROC on nights that we are open and participate in all of our activities. We also have leadership opportunities for youth ages 12 - 17. They can join our Crew Leadership and help serve and lead at the ROC. We also have online resources available for youth via our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages. Check them out below!

The ROC is a registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization. As such, we rely solely on donations to operate. Donations provide funding to cover meals, building facilities, activities, and staff. Please prayerfully consider giving to the ROC to help us continue to reach youth in our community. In addition to monetary donations we also accept donations of food, snacks, and drinks for our youth. If you would like to donate food or provide a meal for the ROC contact us at rocofsalem@gmail.com. For more information on how to donate to the ROC please go to our DONATE page.